Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Even as the colder winter months descend upon us, we still need to be mindful of the types of diseases our pets can contract from the environment, and how simple vaccinations can sometimes make all the difference in preventative medicine.  Leptospirosis, for those who aren't familiar, is a potentially fatal bacterial infection commonly contracted through the urine (or urine tainted water,) of an infected host animal, and less commonly by bites.  Leptospirosis infections are very severe and can develop quickly, attacking the liver and kidneys and causing a rapid decline in health, requiring hospitalization with supportive care including IV fluids and antibiotics.
Scanning electron micrograph of a species of Leptospira bacteria
Nickel City Animal Hospital has within the past few weeks alone seen two positive cases, with close to a half dozen in total in our short time of being open, about a year and a half.  This vaccine hasn't always been viewed as a core vaccine, but our vets as well as many around the country are bringing awareness of this disease and its prevention to center stage.  With the rat population as it is in the City of Buffalo and surrounding areas, considering vaccinating your pet for Leptospirosis next time you are at the clinic or at your vet.  For your information, we have provided two additional articles for you to read more on Leptospirosis:

If you have any further questions about Leptospirosis, or any health concerns about your pet, please call our clinic at (716) 847-1000.

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